Sunday, November 10, 2013

When all goes wrong..

What is life? What exactly we expect from life?
Days spent doing tasks required daily,... going to job, spending time with children, spouse, relatives, friends..
If revolving around these, means normal.
If lack something somewhere, just ignore (will have to)..remind yourself, go with the flow, without comparisons needed.
If find yourself stuck somewhere, take it easy, it's  for granted that you are at one else is, because you cannot change anyone else, only but you.
Just any other usual morning, as if meditating with a broom  while clearing away  leaves fallen off the pavements across the lawn, deliberately not complaining whether this task belonged to the hired gardener or the helper who have limited their work strictly to lines laid by themselves, thanking heavens to give me enough strength to finish more tasks coming that day or those still to come..
Yes, forgiving and forgetting with multiple gestures of kindness towards people around you without expecting anything in return..
Walking on a tight rope where every step is slippery yet to balance better than before..lest you lose, you lose everything that day and many more till further emergency attempts are made to keep situations under control.
Life's like that..things to be done..never meaning to each day..Keep doing..never give up!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Janmashtami..

A picture speaks more than thousand words..

A hectic day, still worth it..

Getting ready...
Ready for getting into 'palna'...


A Very Happy Janmashtami to Bloggers n' Readers..

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Janmashtami: Watercolor Paintings

'Janma' or the birth of hindu diety, Lord Krishna happens to be tomorrow, and I am feeling happy as well as grateful as am able to dedicate my paintings on this occassion. I had enough energy and ample amount of time to complete these projects, favored by luck to complete them on an appropriate time matched for such an auspicious occasion. 
Cannot wait more for coming tomorrow...
Bye for now..

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Craft: Bookmarks

At the end of an eventful and really tiring day, you're asked to help your son in making bookmarks as his summer vacation project, you are bound to think whether to thank your spouse for completing the remaining homework tasks given before holidays or pleading to finish the present one  too by themselves.
Nevertheless something in you goes forward with the given work.. 
No, it's not that easy, as you hardly remember where you've kept all the necessities. Despite your memory failing you as the result of quite a long absence from the home, you've to look for one by one into different racks, cupboards and other hidden corners for innumerable mundane craft supplies.
At the moment, it's past midnight and above displayed photos undoubtedly are telling an altogether different story..
Hoping to give the pleasant result (although not a surprise!) to kids when they wake up for school with their other parent, while leaving me to complete my sleep in the morning..
Bye for now..

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Moving is Life

It's not that I've forgotten blogging..It's also not that I didn't have anything to write or was suffering from a writer's block..No specific reasons as such!
It seems like many other blogs, this one too entered a hibernating phase..
My intention is not to keep your minds boggling, so without provoking you to guess, I clearly state that I was going through something I never faced before..and no matter how important, exciting, fulfilling it was, nevertheless being away from your dear ones is traumatic too..
It's not that for the first time in my life I was away from my family. Two decades ago I had to leave for hostel of medical school leaving parents and siblings at home. This time, not only the comfort of home I had to leave as earlier, that too not as a child rather as a parent. I had to be away from my kids and their father. An unexpected job opportunity at a farther place made me do so.
Facing a roller coaster of emotions followed by many drastic events in the daily routine, coping up with separation and anxiety has taken its toll, making me wish a number of times that I should have been stronger, or better, not taken such a decision at the first place.
Still in doldrums passing each day with mind playing between highs and lows, normalcy still awaits.. Days pass with expectations of short duration meetings after lengthy time intervals.. 
Life's more than the time between waking up each morning and going to bed each night.. Many unexpressed longings wait their turn through out life never to be heard in the highest heavenly courts.. What you get is different from what you expect, still expectations never leave, making you move work more if not harder till you wonder where's the end?
What am I gaining? Is it the worth? Should I stop? No, one cannot stop..Some other thing will make me move in some other direction.. Moving is life..gathering courage is life..keeping your spirits intact is life..otherwise life has no meaning..stagnancy cannot be tolerated, it suffocates, is suicidal.

Bye for now..

Saturday, January 5, 2013


A dip in temperature scales added with foggy mornings are keeping schools closed in this month of January, while children less likely to get up early and go frequently outdoors..
Attracted by various bright colored woolen yarns displayed in a shop during my last visit to the market prompted me to buy some wool without giving a second thought what I would do with it..
After gathering all required necessities like knitting and tapestry needles, I started with a project I had learnt from a neighborhood aunt a decade ago..It was a cap my hubby still is fond of wearing today, though he lost and found it twice in these years, which makes it all the more special for him..I started with making and soon realized it was not coming up as what it was supposed to, so this led to unknitting it twice..During its late phases, I very well knew that something new was coming up, as unknowingly I had chosen to decrease the knits in a different manner..Not bothered to vanish this project of mine, I let it be as such adding pom-pom at its tip..
This time, it suited well on my son's head!
Adding warmth to these chilly winters,
Bye for now..