All the hype ended on Sunday morning with the airing of not much awaited, interestingly publicized Aamir Khan's show on both National DD and Sar Plus channels. Well known for de-glamorization, the actor didn't lose the audience's expectations by bringing the prime problem of well accepted female foeticide in the Indian society.
The problem was discussed at large with options available to solve along with the dreadful consequences if the matters are left to same. All went well whether it was bringing victims to a platform where their truth was discussed before the world and the related motivational clips from all walks of life or the sting operation carried by two press reporters in Rajasthan in the beginning of this century without an impact in reality.
Well, well except the emotive parts played by almost all, the tears somehow didn't appear natural. Just for vanity's sake! I wish it was more natural in appeal. Anyways, good things are always praise worthy. Nice effort!
Hope you all supported the cause through your messages...
“Do you want the Rajasthan government to set up a fast track court to process female foeticide cases?”
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The website where one can leave his/her comments, seems to be under construction. Till then, keep thinking about your views, opinions and suggestions..