Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The coldest day in the city, driving scooter without mittens left my fingers pale and numb, and by the time I reached uncle's shop I was frozen. Though a foolish dare to ignore hubby's advice (a constant reminder rang at the back of mind), I knew soon my hands would regain their normal warmth in a cozy den while enjoying piping hot mushroom soup. 
An astrologer's chart kept on the leather ottoman and many more in the shelf while uncle sitting on his reading counter busy with someone's chart on his lap top perceiving horoscopic meanings to be out-poured in front of his anxious wondering clients not sparing me how much more or less his psychological manipulations helped him capture their perplexed brains. Hardly ever did I see an unconvinced creature leaving the front door.
Accustomed to such scenario since juvenile days, and with passing time I have learnt one thing from him. If what is destined, and you cannot change, why know about it. Why not let it remain an unknown hopeful road waiting for some miraculous happening at the next corner? Your own faith changes your destiny. 
The thought of the movements celestial bodies at million years distance affecting you someday, while an instant change of thought by an abstract visual thinking of something which brings tranquility can show you directions to move forward putting efforts creating your own wishful destiny. Instead of becoming impressed by others' achievements around you, try to grow (spiritually) yourself each day, doesn't matter that growth is in millimeters, because after a year and a half you'll be grown more than half a meter!
The other day, a young girl came seeking advice of marriage and was denied with that particular guy, though compatibility points were above 30 (a good score). When later I asked him the reason, his calm answer was,
"If she says, 'he's mine'. It's fine, but ultimately what comes to mind is 'how much mine?'..when affection is distributed among many loses strength, much like the tiny feeble twig which easily breaks. 
Now, I was left wondering, should one still risk to face the made up destiny or hear the warning signs in the horoscope. Certain answers must be left to fate, diverting energies for better people in life.