It was seven in the morning, and I was cleaning washbasin in the attached bathroom to our bedroom. I rushed to the bedroom when I heard a thud with baby cry. When I took ailing baby in my hands, I was alarmed to see that he had hurt his lips and there was slight bleeding at the site. My hubby had gone with Aru to help him fetch his school bus. By the time he came back, Kukkoo was consolable due to cold compresses. This was my baby's first fall from bed when he was four months old. Kukkoo is now almost eight months old, and he has fallen thrice more since then.
Each time he fells, he becomes consolable after few minutes. I take him to the garden, where we enjoy our swing. He's such a sweet champ, I wish I could prevent his further falls. I'm a working mom, so I don't get much time to arrange my furniture settings. I've started keeping him on floor whenever I'm busy doing chores and not able to give him full company. He enjoys his freedom on expanded floor area in the living room with his toys.
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